Genre Challenge
Genre Challenge
This week we were tasked with editing two different pictures in 7 different ways, Horror, Sci-fi, Comedy, Suspense, Documentary, Romance, and Vintage. One of the pictures was allowed to be a portrait, but the other had to be something else. For Horror I wanted to create the idea of death, so I used black and white and add 'crack' graphics in the pictures. For comedy I just messed around on Picmonkey and played with the pictures until I found someone that I thought was funny. For Documentary I used a BBC News template and created a title for the picture to make it look like the title screen for a movie or documentary. For Romance I changed certain aspect of the image, such as the 'red's' and the warmth of the picture and then I added hearts. For Si-Fi I wanted to create an idea of fiction that we wouldn’t usually see today, thus I focused on outer space and added planets to both pictures. For suspense I added scenes from famous Horror movies such as, Get Out and Psycho to create an idea of suspense. For Vintage I added a frame from an old vintage camera and changed the color to make it look old.
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