
Showing posts from November, 2018

Cityscapes Portfolio

Artist Statement This set is made up of some of my favorite pictures from the last four drafts of my cityscape project. This pictures have been photographed and edited over the course of the past month. These all share a lot in common, firstly the backgrounds in each picture were all taken from the same spot and they were all taken within 30 minutes of each other. The fact that backgrounds were taken at a similar times means that a lot of the lighting in each picture is the same. The top layer (the face) is also used more than once and many of them are used several times. The pictures were also all edited in the same manner, adding to the similarity. 

City Scapes Draft 4

CityScapes + Portraits Draft 4 For this project I was tasked with the job of mimicking the photographic style of professional photographer Jasper James.  His work combines Cityscape photography with portraits, he does this through edited them and combining the two in Photoshop. This week I have continued to create new pictures and different variations of perviously created prices. This week I added a few new backgrounds and new portraits as well as re-editing some older pictures to make them look better and to include them in this weeks draft. 

CityScapes + Portraits Draft 3

CityScapes + Portraits Draft 3 For this project I was tasked with the job of mimicking the photographic style of professional photographer Jasper James.  His work combines Cityscape photography with portraits, he does this through edited them and combining the two in Photoshop. This week I have tried new blurring methods in Photoshop but I found very little difference, so I went back to the original method. This week I added a few new backgrounds and new portraits as well as re-editing some older pictures to make them look better and to include them in this weeks draft. 

Cityscapes + Portraits Draft 2

Cityscapes + Portraits  For this project I was tasked with the job of mimicking the photographic style of professional photographer Jasper James.  His work combines Cityscape photography with portraits, he does this through edited them and combining the two in Photoshop. Jasper James's work has a very clear line between what is in focus and what is blurred, and I am still working on blurring the images similar to how he does it. I have begun to understand Photoshop a little bit better in the past two weeks which has allowed me to edit these faster and make them look better. I still need to create a few more picture, most likely with different portraits and different cityscapes.